What to expect during accupuncture
During your initial consultation, we’ll look at a treatment plan for you and if we feel that it will aid your condition, we will ask you if you are happy to have acupuncture as part of your treatment. If you are concerned about your treatment, we will talk everything through with you before we proceed.
Acupuncture is not painful. The needles are very fine, so much so that most people don’t even notice them being inserted. Sometimes the needle will be twisted or adjusted where you may feel a very slight tingle or a dull ache.
The side effects of acupuncture are minimal, it’s is very rare but you may find some small bruising at the needle insertion point or you may feel a little sleepy after treatment, however, any side effect should pass quickly.
What is Acupuncture and how does it work
Acupuncture is a treatment technique, developed for over 2000 years, where very fine needles are inserted into certain points on your body.
There is a growing amount of evidence supporting acupuncture treatments to aid specific aches and pains such as; osteoarthritis of the knee, TMJ, headaches and lower back pain. We use acupuncture as both a treatment method, but also a preventative measure. Acupuncture is one of the safest medical treatment available in the UK.